транспортування померлого ВІД / ДО
Додаткова інформація, коментарі


DA Group Ltd. – це міжнародна організація, яка надає послуги з репатріації як фізичним людям, так і компаніям та державним установам. Наша організація співпрацює з посольствами, консулатами, державними департаментами, а також компаніями по всьому світу для того, щоб надати послуги, що відповідають високій якості та прийнятним цінам. Наші навички, співпереживання та увага до деталей лежать в основі нашої репутації.  

Denis Linas Victoria Sergei Vitaly Roland Ailona Ninna Aurimas



Global partnerships
The process of globalization has turned the world into a smaller place and has changed our contemporary society into a melting pot of cultures and nationalities. This has made the process o repatriation a common thing as people across the globe choose their final resting place elsewhere from where they have been living and working for decades. However, repatriation is not a simple matter of logistics. It is a complicated process that involves more than just taking care of a few documents. 
Years of experience has provided us with the knowledge needed to transport deceased loved ones to and form anywhere in the world. We have worked long and hard and have built partnerships with companies and government bodies across the world. We have achieved a high level of professionalism and are more than capable of taking care of all your repatriation needs in a swift manner anywhere in the world.

Individual care
Although our relationship with families is short, we make sure that during this short time we provide a caring hand to families in need. We fully understand how hard and confusing it can be when a person close to you passes away, especially when that happens abroad. It is our goal to provide you with help and support during this complicated time. Therefore, at DA-Group Ltd. we always offer our utmost care and assistance to our clients. 
We employ compassionate multilingual staff from various cultural backgrounds that would provide services tailored to your specific needs. If you choose us to take care of your repatriation needs, we will appoint a specialist member of our staff who will keep you informed throughout the whole  process and will be your first point of contact 24 hours a day should you be in need of any help or assistance.